Warehouse Storage Compartmentation
During a major fire, large compartment walls or enclosures may be subjected to extreme conditions and impact damage due to falling debris, leading to failure and in some cases total collapse. In circumstances of extreme fire, it is vital that both materials and construction are capable of sustaining their design functions.
When subjected to these extreme conditions, Durasteel achieved a fire rating of 240 minutes and this, together with its ability to withstand impact, gives it the strength to protect in the harshest of fires.
This was clearly illustrated when fire broke out at the Bass Charrington Brewery in Runcorn (below left). Fire rapidly spread through the roof insulation devastating everything in its path.
A Durasteel barrier stopped the fire from spreading to the bottling plant (below right), saving buildings, equipment and plant valued at £10million and enabling production to continue on a limited scale. The Durasteel barrier acted as an external wall during the re-construction of the fire damaged area of the site, withstanding all the elements.
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